Struct ResultSet

A Random access range of Rows.

This is the entity that is returned by the Command methods execSQLResult and execPreparedResult

MySQL result sets can be up to 2^^64 rows, and the 32 bit implementation of the MySQL C API accomodates such potential massive result sets by storing the rows in a doubly linked list. I have taken the view that users who have a need for result sets up to this size should be working with a 64 bit system, and as such the 32 bit implementation will throw if the number of rows exceeds the 32 bit size_t.max.


Name Type Description
back [get] inout(Row) Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - back
colNameIndicies [get] const(ulong[string]) An AA to lookup a column's index by name
colNames [get] const(string)[] Get the names of all the columns
empty [get] bool Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - empty
front [get] inout(Row) Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - front
length [get] ulong Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - length
save [get] ResultSet Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - save


Name Description
asAA Get a row as an associative array by column name
opIndex Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - opIndex
popBack Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - popBack
popFront Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - popFront()
revert Restore the range to its original span.


Name Description
opDollar Make the ResultSet behave as a random access range - length


