Function Tag.getTagAttributes
Lookup a child tag by name, and retrieve all attributes in a chosen (or default) namespace from it.
This just like using getTag()
, or getTag()
except if the tag isn't found, it safely returns an empty range instead
of a dereferencing null error.
If provided, the attributeNamespace
parameter can be either the name of
a namespace, or an empty string for the default namespace (the default),
or "*"
to retreive attributes from all namespaces.
Note that, unlike getAttributes
, this doesn't discriminate by the
value's type. It simply returns the usual attributes
If you'd prefer an exception thrown when the tag isn't found, use
auto sdlang .ast .Tag .__T11MemberRangeTC6sdlang3ast9AttributeVAyaa13_616c6c41747472696275746573VAyaa17_617474726962757465496e646963696573VAyaa11_5f61747472696275746573Z .MemberRange getTagAttributes(
string fullTagName,
string attributeNamespace = null
import std .exception;
import sdlang .parser;
auto root = parseSource(`
foo X=1 X=2
// getTagAttributes considers this to override the first foo
foo X1=3 X2="c" namespace:bar=7 X3=4 X4="d"
auto fooAttrs = root .getTagAttributes("foo");
assert( !fooAttrs .empty );
assert( fooAttrs .length == 4 );
assert( fooAttrs[0] .name == "X1" && fooAttrs[0] .value == Value(3) );
assert( fooAttrs[1] .name == "X2" && fooAttrs[1] .value == Value("c") );
assert( fooAttrs[2] .name == "X3" && fooAttrs[2] .value == Value(4) );
assert( fooAttrs[3] .name == "X4" && fooAttrs[3] .value == Value("d") );
fooAttrs = root .getTagAttributes("foo", "namespace");
assert( !fooAttrs .empty );
assert( fooAttrs .length == 1 );
assert( fooAttrs[0] .name == "bar" && fooAttrs[0] .value == Value(7) );
fooAttrs = root .getTagAttributes("foo", "*");
assert( !fooAttrs .empty );
assert( fooAttrs .length == 5 );
assert( fooAttrs[0] .name == "X1" && fooAttrs[0] .value == Value(3) );
assert( fooAttrs[1] .name == "X2" && fooAttrs[1] .value == Value("c") );
assert( fooAttrs[2] .name == "bar" && fooAttrs[2] .value == Value(7) );
assert( fooAttrs[3] .name == "X3" && fooAttrs[3] .value == Value(4) );
assert( fooAttrs[4] .name == "X4" && fooAttrs[4] .value == Value("d") );
// Tag not found
// If you'd prefer an exception, use `expectTag.attributes` instead.
assert( root .getTagValues("doesnt-exist") .empty );