Module scriptlike.file.extras

Scriptlike v0.9.0

Extra Scriptlike-only functionality to complement std.file.


Name Description
existsAsDir Checks if the path exists as a directory.
existsAsFile Checks if the path exists as a file.
existsAsSymlink Checks if the path exists as a symlink.
tryCopy If 'from' exists, then copy. Otherwise do nothing. Supports Path and command echoing.
tryMkdir If 'name' doesn't already exist, then mkdir. Otherwise do nothing. Supports Path and command echoing.
tryMkdirRecurse If 'name' doesn't already exist, then mkdirRecurse. Otherwise do nothing. Supports Path and command echoing.
tryRemove If 'name' exists, then remove. Otherwise do nothing. Supports Path, command echoing and dryrun.
tryRename If 'from' exists, then rename. Otherwise do nothing. Supports Path and command echoing.
tryRmdir If 'name' exists, then rmdir. Otherwise do nothing. Supports Path and command echoing.
tryRmdirRecurse If 'name' exists, then rmdirRecurse. Otherwise do nothing. Supports Path and command echoing.


Nick Sabalausky


Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Nick Sabalausky

