Class Connection

A struct representing a database connection.

The Connection is responsible for handshaking with the server to establish authentication. It then passes client preferences to the server, and subsequently is the channel for all command packets that are sent, and all response packets received.

Uncompressed packets consist of a 4 byte header - 3 bytes of length, and one byte as a packet number. Connection deals with the headers and ensures that packet numbers are sequential.

The initial packet is sent by the server - essentially a 'hello' packet inviting login. That packet has a sequence number of zero. That sequence number is the incremented by client and server packets through the handshake sequence.

After login all further sequences are initialized by the client sending a command packet with a zero sequence number, to which the server replies with zero or more packets with sequential sequence numbers.

Inherits from

  • Object (base class)


Name Description
this Construct opened connection.
this Construct opened connection.
this Construct opened connection.


Name Type Description
charSet [get] ubyte Current character set
closed [get] bool
currentDB [get] string Current database
hasPending [get] bool Gets whether anything (rows, headers or binary) is pending.
lastCommandId [get] ulong This gets incremented every time a command is issued or results are purged,
lastInsertID [get] ulong After a command that inserted a row into a table with an auto-increment
protocol [get] ubyte Return the in-force protocol number
resultFieldDescriptions [get] FieldDescription[] Gets the result header's field descriptions.
rowsPending [get] bool Gets whether rows are pending
serverCapabilities [get] uint Server capability flags
serverStatus [get] ushort Server status
serverVersion [get] string Server version
socketType [get] MySQLSocketType Socket type being used


Name Description
close Explicitly close the connection.
enableMultiStatements Enable multiple statement commands
getNextRow Get the next Row of a pending result set.
pingServer Check the server status
purgeResult Flush any outstanding result set elements.
refreshServer Refresh some feature(s) of the server.
selectDB Select a current database.
serverStats Get a textual report on the server status.


