This Week: Straight/Curved is the New "Fuck You"

I have a lot of posts criticizing post-XP Windows already. But I found myself writing this, and well, in true Web 2.0 tradition, it would be wrong of me to deny the world a perfectly good trolling. So here it is...

See spot. See spot design the Win8 UI.

Oh, so it's that time of the week again already? Time for MS to change their minds once again on which is cool and uncool: straight vs curved?

Egads, it's like they're spinning their wheels just for the sake of spinning them. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The computer industry has become the goddamn fashion industry.

Win3: Rounded edges! Couldn't have those before!

95: Rounded is so old. Straight-edged (*cough* like Win1&2 *cough*) is classy!

XP: Straight edges and flat colors are sooo old-fashioned! Roundness, curves and gradients are in! ("Yea, whatever...Luna: Off, Classic: On")

Vista: Transparency is hip and modern! More curves! More shading!

Win8: Transparency, curves, gradients and shading are sooo old-fashioned! Straight edges and flat colors are in!


It's all just change for the sake of fucking change. Why most of the world seems to be so chronically blind to it is beyond me.

And then there's MS's "between-OS" styles-of-the-week, like in the late 90's when MS decided all their non-OS releases for one year should use black menu bars instead of system-default.

Make up your fucking mind, MS.

(As a side note: Am I the only one who thinks the new Metro-styled windows are just as ugly as Luna?)

2 comments for "This Week: Straight/Curved is the New "Fuck You""

  1. (Guest) j7n
    2014-11-09 07:13

    They should allow the computer owner to make his mind up, depending on whether he is working with a limited battery, a powerful GPU or accessibility needs, and allow him to pick from a small set of three choices: Windows Classic (4.x style), Aero (Vista style), Metro. How much work would it be to tweak classic look to be neat everywhere? Probably too much, because it's unpolished and incomplete in Seven already.

    Microsoft can't even decide how much color is right. The fullscreen Metro menu gets saturated Christmas colors, while GUI of applications suddenly switch to "toner-saving" mode with poor contrast.

  2. 2014-11-10 15:40

    "They should allow the computer pick from a small set of three choices: Windows Classic (4.x style), Aero (Vista style), Metro."

    Totally agree. And it's really not difficult to do assuming they have a clue what they're even doing. Heck, Linux has had the ability to choose your own GUI elements and window frames for freaking ages.

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