mysql-native v2.2.0

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consume - multiple declarations

Function consume

T consume(T) (
  MySQLSocket conn
) pure;

Function consume

string consume(T, ubyte N = T.sizeof) (
  ref ubyte[] packet
) pure;

Function consume

string consume(T) (
  ref ubyte[] packet,
  size_t N
) pure;

Function consume

Returns N number of bytes from the packet and advances the array

ubyte[] consume (
  ref ubyte[] packet,
  size_t N
) pure nothrow;

Function consume

T consume(T) (
  ref ubyte[] packet,
  int n
) pure nothrow
if (isIntegral!T);

Function consume

TimeOfDay consume(T, ubyte N = T.sizeof) (
  ref ubyte[] packet
) pure;

Function consume

Date consume(T, ubyte N = T.sizeof) (
  ref ubyte[] packet
) pure;

Function consume

DateTime consume(T, ubyte N = T.sizeof) (
  ref ubyte[] packet
) pure;

Function consume

T consume(T, ubyte N = T.sizeof) (
  ref ubyte[] packet
) pure nothrow
if (isIntegral!T);

Function consume

T consume(T, ubyte N = T.sizeof) (
  ref ubyte[] packet
) pure nothrow
if (isFloatingPoint!T);

Function consume

Parse Length Coded String

string consume(T) (
  ref ubyte[] packet
) pure;

See Also