PreparedImpl.setArg - multiple declarations

Function PreparedImpl.setArg

Prepared statement parameter setter.

void setArg(T) (
  size_t index,
  T val,
  ParameterSpecialization psn = PSN(0, SQLType.INFER_FROM_D_TYPE, 0, null)
if (!isInstanceOf!(Nullable, T));

The value may, but doesn't have to be, wrapped in a Variant. If so, null is handled correctly.

The value may, but doesn't have to be, a pointer to the desired value.

The value may, but doesn't have to be, wrapped in a Nullable!T. If so, null is handled correctly.

The value can be null.


index The zero based index

Function PreparedImpl.setArg

void setArg(T) (
  size_t index,
  Nullable!T val,
  ParameterSpecialization psn = PSN(0, SQLType.INFER_FROM_D_TYPE, 0, null)