Parsing System (v0.7)
Goldie Home (v0.7) -> Getting Started -> Grammar Definition Language

Grammar Definition Language

Goldie uses the same GOLD Meta-Language grammar definition language as GOLD Parser Builder.

GOLD Parser Builder includes a grammar editor that features syntax highlighting, a grammar-generating wizard, and importing/exporting with YACC/Bison format. Goldie's calc.grm grammar below was created by using GOLD's grammar wizard (and slightly modifying the result).

Other premade grammars can be found in GOLD's downloads section.


As a simple example of what a grammar looks like, this is the calc.grm grammar included with Goldie and used by the Sample Apps:

! -- Parameters ---------------------------------------- ! Basic Calculator Grammar ! Supports integer literals, + - * / () and whitespace "Name" = 'Calc' "Author" = 'GOLD Parser Builder and Nick Sabalausky' "Version" = '0.01' "About" = 'Basic Calculator Grammar' "Case Sensitive" = false "Start Symbol" = <Add Exp> ! -- Terminals ----------------------------------------- Number = {Digit}+ Whitespace = {Whitespace}+ ! -- Rules --------------------------------------------- <Add Exp> ::= <Add Exp> '+' <Mult Exp> | <Add Exp> '-' <Mult Exp> | <Mult Exp> <Mult Exp> ::= <Mult Exp> '*' <Negate Exp> | <Mult Exp> '/' <Negate Exp> | <Negate Exp> <Negate Exp> ::= '-' <Value> | <Value> <Value> ::= 'Number' | '(' <Add Exp> ')'

Current Limitations

There are a few GOLD features that Goldie doesn't yet support:

See Also: