Windows Equivalent of sudo

Yea, yea, I know what day today is. And NO, this post isn't some idiotic prank (or any prank at all, for that matter). Irritating psuedo-holiday...

I'd been a Windows guy most of my life, but lately (for various reasons) I've gravitated more to Linux. (Not that I consider any OSes to be all that fantastic). One thing that's quite handy in Linux is the "Don't give me this 'access' shit, I bought and own your circuit board ass, so fucking do what I tell you to" command: sudo.

Last few versions of Windows have started getting uppity about access privileges, so I've occasionally run into a similar need. For example, logging in as an Administrator, firing up an Administrator-priveledge command line, and still getting "access denied" shit from one CLI tool or another regarding files and paths I know damn well I have full access to.

As can probably be expected, the Windows equivalent is all goofy, verbose and awkward (and launches the provided command in a separate auto-closing windows, gee thanks), but at least it's there:

runas /profile /user:YourUserName "C:\Full\Path\To\Program.exe Your Args Here"

Make sure to properly escape anything in those double-quotes (whee...I miss sudo already...). And...oh yea, your PATH won't work here, so you need to know the full path to your program. Luckily, there's an equivalent to "which". Side note: I don't know why that's calling it "where.bat", it behaves more like Linux "which" (shows the path to the one program that would actually get run) than the built-in Windows "where" (shows all programs on the PATH with the given name).

REM This is 'which.bat' @setlocal @set P2=.;%PATH% @for %%e in (%PATHEXT%) do @for %%i in (%~n1%%e) do @if NOT "%%~$P2:i"=="" echo %%~$P2:i

Toss that into a "which.bat", save to your windows directory (yea, not real clean, but hey, it's Windows, I don't give a crap), and get your work done:

> doshit now Fuck off, access denied > sudo doshit now I'm Windows, I don't understand that > which doshit C:\Some\Big\Path\doshit.bat > runas /profile /user:MyUserName "C:\Some\Big\Path\doshit.bat now" Oh, snap!

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