Pushing "Cloud" Proves You're an Idiot Trend Whore

Initially, I had a hard time wrapping my head around the concept of "Cloud" computing. Until one thing occurred to me: It's exactly the same as two concepts we already had, and with names that were already in widespread use: "Hosted" and "Web App".

Gee, I guess it's not web hosting they do after all, it's "Cloud" servers. I guess that must mean it's better. Oh, I see, Microsoft's new DBMS isn't a hosted database, it's a "Cloud" database. Wow, that's so progressive and high tech. And Google Docs isn't a web app, it's "Cloud" computing. Well, fuck me.

It's like the idiotic word "tween". A group of people were too dumb to know the word "preteen" already existed, so they contrived and spread a moronic alternative. And they weren't even as original or clever about it as they thought: Animators had already been tweening for years. Which, of course, just sounds like pedophilia now.

To those pushing and marketing this "Cloud" nonsense: You're like the fashion industry except worse, because being in technology, you of all people should know better than to be a bunch of mindless trend whores.

Suck my cloudsack.

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