How is it possible that anyone at GitHub can be so incredibly stupid they could actually fuck up a link?
Look, all you Web-2.0 dumbshits, this is how you make a link:
<a href="url here">whatever the fuck you want clickable here</a>
How fucking simple is that?
It always works. Always! It always has and it always will. For everyone. There is no need for, or benefit in, ever doing it any other way, ever.
How can you possibly delude yourself into thinking that won't do for your needs? Or that it's too hard. Or that it has fuck all to do with avoiding legacy baggage? What fucking baggage? Look at that line of code up there. You're seriously going to try to tell me that you're so goddamn incompetent that THAT is "too hard"? Do reality a favor and start choking on your own drool now - it's obviously inevitable anyway. May as well hurry it up and decrease the surplus stupidity.
[counter here][All] web 2.0 developers don't know how to write a basic link without tripping to death over their own fingers.
2 comments for "Making a Link (or What the fuck is wrong with GitHub's developers?)"
What's the context, if you don't mind?
Really it's just a general thing I've noticed across much of the web. Ever since JavaScript first came on the scene, large numbers of people inexplicably started using it to *replace* (and not merely supplement, but actually replace) a trivially-easy linking method that always works on everything (404's notwithstanding) with completely unnecessary alternate forms of linking that *don't* always work.
I would have thought it would have been more or less sorted out by now, but people and sites across the web still insist on doing links the roundabout hard way, just to end up facing compatibility difficulties which could have been trivially sidestepped. All for the sake of being "Web 2.0" and buzzword-compliant.
As for my references to GitHub (which I assume is what you're referring to), that's just the most recent example. As important as GitHub's *functionality* is to me, I've always has problems with it's poorly-built web interface (and sadly there still isn't a suitable alternate interface, AFAIK). The most recent problem (which prompted me to finally write the above rant) is this:
While everything in GitHub *had* been working fine in the second-choice browser I'd been putting up with purely for the sake of being able to use GitHub at all (ie, Opera 10.63 - the last version to support a native UI), a few weeks ago a bunch of the buttons in GitHub's interface suddenly stopped working. They had been working fine.
Now, this is the point where 99.9% of people try to tell me I should be using a different browser, or a newer version, or whatever. I do have some responses to that, but here's the problem: That whole debate of "should I be expected to have my browser/version dictated to me" is completely *irrelevant* here. None of it matters because it's absolutely trivial to *not* screw up buttons on a web page *regardless* of browser, even if they do feel the need to jazz it up with some JS, CSS3, HTML5, or whatever. Whatever other bells and whistles are added on top, just *don't* omit or reinvent the standard, proven anchor tags. That's all it takes to not screw up linking for *anyone*. Easy.